Sunday, January 10, 2010

Crystal Balloons Where Can I Buy Huge Brandy Bowls / Balloons?

Where can I buy huge brandy bowls / balloons? - crystal balloons

For my wedding, I am aware of a large bowl with brandy with a fish in it to decorate the tables (you - it's all in the sense that someone cares about them,) they take home to organize the end.

I saw one of those ships and that was huge - almost like a reservoir of small fish, but the effect is a mother with a glass (I think it makes it even more interesting.)

I wonder whether the UK can I buy this (or shipped from abroad), but relatively low price - no glass! - I have online at Ikea for 99p, but I'm not sure of the size - what would you think would be the largest size, could I? I need to about 9. Thank you!


POOH said...

Try a flower, they do not just sell flowers. Or when u in London, please visit the Cruise / Crews Hill, Enfield. (Can not remember exact spelling sorry) who sell all kinds of flowers, plants, fish, aquariums, many things. It is like a cash and carry type, the prices are reasonable. Good luck and congratulations.

Ashley said...


ganga9th... said...

couse all the juice stationery 5 RS

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