What should I expect to pay to have my Laminate floors installed? - how to instal floors in v-bottom aluminum boat
Looking for an average price of the what one should expect to pay per square meter were installed my laminate floor
What should I expect to pay to have my Laminate floors installed? - how to instal floors in v-bottom aluminum boat
Looking for an average price of the what one should expect to pay per square meter were installed my laminate floor
It all depends on the market in which we live, are between $ 1.50 and $ 3.00 per square foot. I live in Montana and charged $ 2.00 per foot here. If a large Spanish city where you live, tend to reduce the price. If labor is scarce, it could be even higher. I suggest trying to negotiate with the installer and see if you can talk with him if necessary. When he grows up, when others ask, why are $ 2.00 and see how much confidence you have done.
Ask your doctor questions difficult when you narrow your selection.
This summer, we paid $ 4/sq feet for laminates. It will cost to install $ m 2/sq. But the price depends on where you are and how the costs for installation in. I think we have a good piece on our installation share. Another place in the street, which was more of a national chain, will pay more. (Although the two sites under contract for the installation of the same.)
Call and get some estimates and the previous comments would be the best idea. Take a look at some websites that can give a better idea.
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