Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seeking Shota Do You Like Sushi? Is It Yummy? If You Do, Read The Little Story...?

Do you like sushi? Is it yummy? if you do, read the little story...? - seeking shota

This is a genuine case of a Japanese man from Gifu Prefecture who constantly complains to persistent headache. Mr. Shota Fujiwara loves his sashimi and sushi are looking very far, as "alive and fresh", perhaps to his insatiable appetite.
He developed a severe headache in the last 3 years and from such as migraine and stress at work. Only when he began to lose psychomotor skills to seek medical help. A brain scan and X-ray reveals little. For a more detailed examination by a specialist of the scalp, the doctor has little movement below the skin. Then the doctor makes a local anesthetic into the scalp and discovered the cause when tiny worms came out. A major operation was immediately launched andextent of contamination was horrible. See the pictures on the stage thinking that only film can provide added.:


horrible pictures ...


Pangolin said...


While medical experts agree that the accompanying story is just fiction, debate about the authenticity of the images themselves are not yet finalized. When I showed them, pathologist Ed Friedlander, he concluded was that it was forged in large part because most of the anatomical landmarks, one would expect to find in a dissected brain to be seen. Another expert suggested that the photos could be real, but in this case raises very serious case of cancer of the scalp, not a brain infection. In any case, no one was able to account for its origin.

In a new development of critical determined using information from an unknown source, but probably true that the suffering of the pictures are real and documented cases of 70 years, male"A rare form of cancer that had eaten at the top of the skull and the scalp. Monitor reviews contact Dr. Friedlander was the explanation is plausible, but in his view, photos, and perhaps still have been retouched." I can not explain the apparent apparent larvae and eggs, "he writes.

What Mr. Fujiwara to sushi fan who may have been concluded by the consumption of raw brain, that the amendment of the story is simply absurd. Although the medical literature suggest that certain species of tapeworm and nematode digestive tract of people who consumed raw, undercooked or may become infected, I was no evidence that these parasites in particular (as opposed to the pork tapeworm, which this can lead, widER Series more severe symptoms can migrate) to other organs of humans, such as the brain. Included in documented cases in the larvae of the pork tapeworm in the brain were, cyst-like in the nerve tissue, they are not free, nor are capable of drilling through the skull of the patient and emerging countries through the leather scalp.

To clarify matters, the worms can infect the human brain, so can certain types of tapeworm larvae. But these conditions are rare, and despite the rumors, you can e-mail have heard, not the result of ignorance or desire for sushi ingrown hairs.

Michael D said...

Oh geez .. I see the pictures .. What is the whole page?

I have calculated the site .. and I can vomit .. so rude

~Peace~N... said...

Sushi tastes funky!

Sarah B said...

And I noticed even before the trouble, you're the first word of the compound urban legends ... FAKE sense. (PS take out the hook and we can see)

for those who want to see .... ...

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